Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The saga continues

Well, well. Finished with the chemo and radiation and am healing quickly from both, except that my hair is quite thin and maybe will still continue to fall out. 
I met with Dr. Reddy last week and he ordered a CT scan to see what the results of their chemo/radiation torture is. Also he made an appointment for me with Dr. Moore, the surgeon, for yesterday. Dr. Moore said that CT scan revealed results that looked like he wished and its time to start planning surgery. He ordered a brain MRI to ensure no migration of cancer to that vital body part had occurred. I had that this morning but no clue as to results except the tech did comment as I was getting up from the table that I do have a brain of some size and shape but wouldn't comment on the usefulness of it. He had to find an xxxl size cage to hold my melon still while the machine clanked and chirped though, so size means something, I guess.
 In addition, I will have a Pulmonary Function Test Thursday to see if radiation left some functioning lung tissue, at least enough to allow me to survive surgery. Also I have an appointment next Tuesday with my cardiologist, Dr. Ferguson, to decide if the old ticker is man enough to get me through the surgery. If all checks out ok, surgery will probably be scheduled for week after next.
Dr. Moore said yesterday that the chances of a cure is as much as 90% with the surgery which sounds great to  me.