Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Woe is me

I am going to stop talking about my woes until I have something positive to say. I have had six sessions of chemo and 24 radiation sessions. My esophagus feels like it is burned to a crisp and eating is getting problematic at best. When I do eat it feels like it sits right at the junction of my stomach and esophagus and keeps constant pressure on the ulcer. Even drinking a glass of water is no fun. 
I have lost about 15 lbs. and about 50% percent of my hair and everyone tells me I will lose the rest of the hair. So be it.
I am scheduled to have two more chemo sessions and four  more radiations but Dr. Reddy is hinting that they might do just one more chemo. I have to go in tomorrow for a fluid infusion and another neupogen shot to raise my blood count and maybe I will find out something then.
There is a real positive to report though, Granddaughter Melissa came down Sunday night by train arriving at 7am Monday and as a surprise, brought Grandson Matthew as well. They will stay until Thursday evening then take the train back overnight. It has been a real treat to spend this time with them.
That's all for now until I have finished the treatments and in recovery mode. Then maybe I can talk about the possible surgery that is expected to be needed this fall.
 I must comment on one other thing though, Teri has been a real trooper during this whole scenario, keeping me fed and medicated as appropriate.


  1. Thanks for the update Uncle Bill. Your family is interested in all - the good and not so good. Thanks Aunt Teri for looking after him.

    All the best,

  2. Thanks Mark. I probably couldn't manage this without Teri's help and oversight.

  3. Von, I'm praying for you and hoping for the best. I made 3 pars in a row last week, a real milestone for me. If I keep this up I might get good enough to compete with you! Love, your youngest brother, Charles

  4. I mean Bill! I'm sitting here with Von, and he keeps calling me James; so it wasn't my fault.
